That Change Show

#14 The Elon Musk Change Method™

Lean Change Management Season 1 Episode 14

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The armchair quarterbacks are out in full force pretending they can do a better job of 'managing twitter' than good ol' Elon. Reactions to what he's done at twitter range from "this is a clinic in mis-management" to "Elon doesn't know good change management!!"

Many people have asked me what I think about Elon's "approach to change". I don't like commenting on stuff like this because Elon evokes such a broad spectrum of reactions, but what the heck, here goes nothing.

References in the show:

Dot com bubble of 2000

Layoffs 2022

Jason Little is an internationally acclaimed speaker and author of Lean Change Management, Change Agility and Agile Transformation: 4 Steps to Organizational Transformation. That Change Show is a live show where the topics are inspired by Lean Change workshops and lean coffee sessions from around the world. Video versions on Youtube